

BVI Company

Really envy her ah, to the Bvi Company is my dream of working work ah, did not expect this work now she got, is really very happy! She is my sister, I remember from childhood I think my sister is very powerful, though her learning achievement is not very good, but she also has her own thoughts! As the Bvi Companies of the interview, there are a lot of people are afraid of the threshold will be high so abandoned but sister will directly go to the interview, and then through their own strength to work in the company, besides luck I think my younger sister is very strong.

wedding photography

I heard that this high level of wedding photography studio, and I and my boyfriend intend to get married early next year, so now have been paying close attention to wedding photography this thing, because a little more experience are not so up to now has not been found the objectives, although there are many of my colleagues have been married to my ideas, but I still mess with my mind now, it seems, slowly, and today I came this studio is my colleague introduced a , I heard she had a wedding photography was shot here, the quality is really very good, so I wanted to first look at again.


In fact, I now Diploma is good, but I just feel like if I do my work now, then my own Diploma is not enough, sometimes I do not know how to enrich themselves, in fact, I think, and I home people together is still very good, but sometimes I still feel with them a long time no fun. So I want to go and then test some of the test to see if I can not get the Diploma greater increase, although I know that this is impossible to achieve, but I want to practice what he is, because I can not be reconciled.

場地 租用

昨天中午的时候,有一个場地 租用商来我们公司和我谈場地 租用的事情,我当时还觉得一头雾水呢,我们没有做場地 租用的事情啊,他怎么会找到我这里来呢,后来我和这个人聊了一下之后,我才想了起来,这是我在前一段时间我们公司里面要做宣传,想要找个场地,但是一时找不到合适的,就让朋友给我帮忙了,这是朋友给我介绍来的場地 租用商,我当时听到这些,我才知道是我自己疏忽了,虽然我们公司现在不需要场地,但是我还是会和他谈一下場地 租用的事情的,因为我想为下次做一些准备,免得自己到时再着急。



Mauritius Company

There are a lot of people are dissatisfied with their current job, I think there is no need for that, and I think as long as you feel good on it, I have a friend now working in Mauritius Company, do not know how, he entered the Mauritius Company after work, it becomes very quiet, but then I only know that when working in Mauritius Company, people requirements are very strict, so that he was much less than before it, but I can see it now he is very full, I think this is very good, as long as they feel full enough in fact.

Bachelor degree

Now, want to had not awakened words I could not get the Bachelor degree, but now I know that Bachelor degree is so important! In fact, before I was a very don’t love of learning, that time how to play always can not put thoughts into the study above, finally the father is talking to me about the good long time let me know by now the social reality, so in the end I will study hard, finally get the Bachelor degree, the Bachelor degree for me is really too important, after all, is it witnessed my change!



台北 五星酒店

不知道我朋友是怎么知道的,现在在台北 五星酒店有我很喜欢的一个明星在做发布会,我知道知道是很激动的,那个时候我都不想去上班了,就想去台北 五星酒店看看我所喜欢的这个明星,但是那个时候我们公司是很忙的,所以说我就没有去成那家台北 五星酒店,有的时候我觉得自己还是没有足够的勇气去做自己想要去做的事情,所以说我才会时时后悔,不过正是这样的自己,我觉得也是不错的,因为要是我不是那样的话,我估计会无趣很多。