







EMBA Singapore

Cousin graduated from high school with my aunt went to Singapore, after that we seldom meet, small when our relationship is very good, my cousin often stay in my house and play with me, every time my mother took me to go out to play, others thought mother has two daughters, now although we not often meet, but she and I have frequent contact with her mother, the last in the online video, she said she is studying for an EMBA Singapore now, EMBA Singapore school is over, she wanted to return to the domestic development, find a job in the future, she had put the idea to tell the aunt, aunt did not oppose.

laser printer

Cousin play just call me back and said she is today on the first day of class, their boss let her go out to them at a laser printer, cousin said she didn’t know laser printer, afraid of their own to buy laser printer is not good, let the look I’m in advertisement. Work to do, let me help you ask our boss, have a look of that laser printer better, there is time to buy mainly depends on the performance of it, to tell us about her, she knew that the time to buy and what people said, I asked my boss, the boss gave me say look, that is the basic of those, I put the boss said to me all to the cousin



台北信义区 酒店

主管说这段时间我们工作都挺累的,手上这个项目今天就能告一段落了,说是今天下午下班后我们部门人员一起去聚个餐,问大家晚上有没有其他的什么事情,如果没有的话,他就在台北信义区 酒店给我们给饭订了,我们大家都看了一下彼此,大家都摇了一下头,主管说是那就这么定了,一会他就打电话到台北信义区 酒店,给我们订一个大的包间,到时候吃完饭,我们再一起去唱唱歌,把这段时间的工作压力好好放松一下,我们大家听了后,都高兴的鼓起了掌

Executive MBA Singapore

I chose to study in Singapore Executive MBA Singapore degree after completing Executive MBA Singapore in Singapore, I went back to domestic development, and now I also have my own studio, a modicum of success, just come back, I was hired by a foreign company , when the salary is good, the company’s boss thinks highly of me, after I got the Executive MBA Singapore degree certificate, which makes a lot of people that we are the envy of the industry. I had also listened to the words of my cousin, learning the Executive MBA Singapore, otherwise there will not be who I am today, my family of course also very supportive of me. At that time the family had no money, my mom let me borrow money from others to learn from Singapore Executive MBA Singapore, I came back home also helped all the debt.

